✔️ How to identify potential vulnerable targets

✔️ Using enum4linux

✔️ Using samrdump.py

✔️ Using nmap to exploit null sessions

✔️ Enumerating users, groups, password policies, and more

→ gaining access to systems where shares are not secure against null sessions

Null sessions allow anonymous access to network share on windows networked systems

Test 1: nmap syn scan


nmap -sS -p 135,139,445 IP


enum4linux -n IP #similar to nbtstat (20 flag means file server service is open and shares are available)
enum4linux -P IP #password policies of the system
enum4linux -S IP #enumerate shares available on the machine
enum4linux -s /usr/share/enum4linux/share-list.txt IP #ability to brute force shares on the machine
enum4linux -a IP #run all the above with the -a option



python samrdump.py
python samrdump.py IP #gives us info from sam account: username, uid of the system machine itself

after finding user id's and password policies we can brute force more efficiently

nmap scripts

nmap -script=smb-enum-shares IP #shows sys is vuln to null sessions
nmap -script=smb-enum-users IP # users, user id, password information
nmap -script=smb-brute IP #brute forces usernames and passwords to get users on an account