✔️ Configure a Kali machine to perform ARP Poisoning against Windows and Linux machine

✔️ Use Wireshark to analyze intercepted traffic to find sensitive information and files

Our Machine...

we should always remember to enable IP Forwarding before ARP spoofing so that we don't :

$ echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
$ arpspoof -i <interface> -t <target> -r <host>

Linux Machine ↔ Webserver

  1. start the arpspoof attack between the IP of the machine and webserver
  2. run wireshark

once any requests and responses are sent between the client and the server...

Windows 7 ↔ Windows Share

  1. run wireshark

  2. whenever a client opens a file in the server/ share,

    it is downloaded and opened for read/write on the go

  3. open the captured traffic,