✔️ Identify vulnerabilities and security misconfiguration
✔️ Prepare yourself for the exploitation phase
🟥 What is Vulnerability Assessment?
- a phase in the Lifecycle of a Penetration Test
- client can ask for just Vulnerability Assessment instead of full pentest
- Our duty to understand client's needs and help them decide accordingly.
- Just a scan on the vulnerabilities we find, therefore it is...
- We don't proceed into exploitation meaning...
- Linear process, how?
- Vulnerability Assessments can be carried out in 2 ways:
🟦 Vulnerability Scanners
- how do they work?
- what all do scanners probe on:
Scanners' database are always up-to-date
- some vulnerability scanners:
- How and why to test manually (instead of a vuln scanner)?
- How would you study custom applications?